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Unit testing Twig’s Lazy Extensions

Last time we wrote a lazy Twig extension to speed up Twig initialization time.

Today it’s time to test it. There’s an excellent helper class called IntegrationTestCase in the Twig package. This class expects a directory containing Twig test cases called “fixtures”.

final class CheckoutStepsExtensionTest extends IntegrationTestCase
     * The directory with test cases
    protected function getFixturesDir(): string
        return __DIR__ . '/Fixtures';
     * Unit tested extensions
    protected function getExtensions(): array
        return [new CheckoutStepsExtension()];
     * Called functions expects an "Order" object.
     * Lets create a helper function will will return an Order.
    protected function getTwigFunctions(): array
        return [
            new TwigFunction('get_test_order', function (): OrderInterface {
                return new Order();

     * Since the runtime depends on its dependencies when created
     * we need to register custom runtime loader which will spawn called runtime.
     * For the sake of simplicity, we will mock the actual helper.
    protected function getRuntimeLoaders(): array
        return [new FactoryRuntimeLoader([
            CheckoutStepsHelperRuntime::class => function (): CheckoutStepsHelperRuntime {
                $helper = $this->prophesize(CheckoutStepsHelper::class);

                return new CheckoutStepsHelperRuntime($helper->reveal());

The test is complete, lets create some tests inside the “fixtures” directory:

The fixtures/functions/sylius_is_shipping_required.test file:

"sylius_is_shipping_required" function

return []

Finally the fixtures/functions/sylius_is_payment_required.test file:

"sylius_is_payment_required" function

return []

Run the suite vendor/bin/phpunit and we should be GREEN OK! We are yellow OK though since the test case runs some weird testLegacyIntegration test which gets skipped.

However if we were to change the expectation to “no” we would end up with:

Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@

Written on June 15, 2020